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You want short stories? Poems?

This blog will be composed of short stories and poems that I had created before. Please enjoy!

By Micah Pauline Blacano

I am the most happy person in the world. I am an owner of a travel place. People always smile when they see me. I see it in their eyes that they are really happy and I am very sure that I am the reason of it. I am not new here. I was born here so that I know every corner of this place. I memorized every stalls and places. The people knows me too. My life is happy compared to the other people. I treat this as a perfect life.

As time goes by, my age increases just like the people here. It feels so good that there's no changes in my life. In the past, I am happy and right now in the present, I am proud to say I'm happy. Every single day there are different happenings that I see but believe it or not I am not affected.

If you tell me what is my favorite time, I would say 4 pm because the sun will set and go down and there's the moon that will appear now. On that time, the crowd are getting bigger and bigger and they are here to witness my beautiful performance.

One thing that I should be proud of is that I make people happy. I am the source of their happiness.

It is now the time that I awaited. The crowd are getting bigger. People now surrounds me. Their faces have a huge smile and grin when they are looking at me.

Just like what happens everyday, at 3:45 pm as I wait till sunset. There's a man with a guard uniform who approach us and the people surrounds me ran away.

He hold me on my shoulders.

"Hayy. They are laughing at you again." He smiled bitterly.

"Let's go to the guards house."

I am confused. Why out of all the people that I met during my lifetime he is just the one who doesn't smile? People are happy when I dance. But he isn't. I just don't have anything to do. I don't hear anything. I don't understand anything. I just know that I am the reason why people smile everyday.


This story is about a child who have an illness, she doesn't have an ability to hear and she have a weird face when she was born. She grew up on streets. She lived on her own. She is a good dancer and that's why she became the center of attraction in the place she treat as home. Circus. She received many judgements and tease in other people but because she can't hear anything she thinks that they are happy because of her. She is a happy person that do nothing but just to dance and smile to the other people.


" People might throw and give you judgements but you should just play that you can't hear anything and smile at them. "

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