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What is Humanities and Social Sciences about?

Humanities and Social Science is a strand that is offered to upcoming Senior High School Students. This strand is for learners who aim to take up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-related courses in college. This strand also offers subjects that is based on the branches of social sciences.

  • Anthropology – is a branch of social science that deals with the study of ancient stories and extracts which determines the human origin, civilization, culture, and development.

  • Economics – is a branch of social science that deals with the study of the ownership, use, and exchange of scarce resources. It uses scientific methods to build theories that can help explain the behavior of individuals, groups and organizations.

  • Political Science - is a branch of social science that deals with the study of all the current socio-political aspects like Government policies, administration, democracy, and administrative management is called Political Science.

  • Sociology - is a branch of social science that deals with the detailed study of varied human cultures, traditions, social status and beliefs in various social institutions or organizations. It deals with every aspect of human society.

  • Psychology - is a branch of social science that deals with various abstract entities which constitute the overall mind and the thought process of human beings, i.e., the way they behave, think, believe, perceive or internalize things and reflect that on the society.

  • Archaeology – is a branch of social science that deals with ancient studies of human beings where the prime focus is on the objects or things made, used or left behind by the people at various situations of the past.

  • Law – is a branch of social science that deals with the study of all the sets of rules or regulations which are collectively made by the Constitution or the Government for the maintenance of order and legalization in the society.

  • Geography – is a particular and scientific branch of Social Science which deals with the study of the physical and physiological features (mountains, rivers, trees, plains, plateaus, deserts, oceans, etc.) of the Earth.

  • Linguistics – is a branch of social science that deals with the study of human language, lies at the crossroads of the humanities and the social sciences. Much of its appeal derives from the special combination of intuition and rigor that the analysis of language demands.

  • History – is a branch of social science that deals with the study of man's past and his decisions in order to find relationships between the events and causes for them.

  • Political Science – is a social science subject that involves the study of political institutions, government systems, and political behavior.

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